2023-03-14 18:33:36 1678818816 tcs vtcs.mode STOP 2023-03-14 18:33:36 1678818816 tcs Starting TCS3 version v230314 2023-03-14 20:24:57 1678825497 sgd Image Number set to 10. Images may have been saved in this path. 2023-03-14 20:24:57 1678825497 sgd cmd.path /home/guidedog/data image_no=10 updated=1 2023-03-14 20:24:57 1678825497 sgd xui.login 2023A004 2023A004 2023-03-14 20:24:57 1678825497 sgd cmd.path /scrs1/guidedog/2023A004/230314 image_no=1 updated=0 2023-03-14 20:42:16 1678826536 sgd xui.logout 2023-03-14 20:42:17 1678826537 sgd macro.beg /home/guidedog/macro/guidedog/logout. 2023-03-14 20:42:17 1678826537 sgd macro.end execution finished. 2023-03-14 20:42:20 1678826540 sgd Image Number set to 10. Images may have been saved in this path. 2023-03-14 20:42:20 1678826540 sgd cmd.path /home/guidedog/data image_no=10 updated=1