This file has Unicode characters. 1. Get the program info files. The program_PROGRAMID.txt file are be copied from /home/proposal/public_html/schedule/programs/YYYYS % cp -p /home/proposal/public_html/schedule/programs//* \ /idas1//program_info/ A web page (php script) can regenerate the data, goto: See Miranda if have more questions. 2. Find non-ASCII characters in files ending with ".txt"... % /home/ida/src/bin/ /idas1//program_info/*.txt ... if found, edit the files to remove the offending characters. A short, nonexhaustive conversion table ... Hexadecimal Encoding Possible value Codepoint name replacement "Glyph" Misc info, if any --------------------------------------------------------------- 0xa0 ISO-8859-1 a (breaking) space character (0x20) non-breaking space character " " 0x3bc UTF-16 "u" (micro) due to context of Greek "mu" "μm". "μ" 0x3bc (UTF-8 0xcebc; "Micro" sign is U+00b5) 0x2013 Unicode "-" (hyphen, minus, 0x) en-dash "–" (UTF-8 0xE2 0x80 0x93) 0x2019 "’" "'" (single quote) Unicode RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK 0x223c UTF-8 "~" (plain tilde, 0x7e) tilde operator "∼" 0x2248 UTF-8 "~" (plain tilde, 0x7e) almost eqaul or could be "~~" (?) "≈" 0xcb9a found in CP936 mapping[0]; "degree", from context degree sign "˚" (UTF-8: 0xc2 0xb0) 0xcc81 UTF-8 (nothing reasonable for a person's name) combining acute accent " ´ " 0xe28099 UTF-8 apostrope "'" (single quote) "’" (ISO-8859-1: 0xB4, Unicode: 0x07e3) 0xef81ad "mu" of some kind/Moji-bake? "u", "mu", or "micro". (comes out as 0xf06d in Vim; result of Mojibake) 0xf06d "" (nothing universally suitable) Unicode PRIVATE USE AREA 0xfb01 "fi" ("fi" ligature) "f", "i" as individual letters 0- 3. Generate the HTML files. Copy these file from the previous semester ... % cp -p \ /idas1//program_info/{program_*901.txt,header.html,local.css,,README.txt} \ /idas1//program_info ... also copy the old program file for *901 project and edit it to update the semester ... % cp -p \ /idas1//program_info/program_*901.txt \ /idas1//program_info/program_901.txt % vim /idas1//program_info/program_901.txt Run to create other html file: % cd /idas1//program_info/ && ./ Create a link to the 1st program file name index.html: % ln -s program_<1st-file>.html index.html 4. Repeat every semester.