# # Program information file # PROGRAM_ID 2024B005 PROGRAM_TITLE Velocity-resolved observations of the HOPS 370 outflow with iSHELL PROGRAM_INV1 David Neufeld PROGRAM_INV2 Will Fischer PROGRAM_INV3 Dan Watson PROGRAM_INV4 Yao-Lun Yang PROGRAM_INV5 Tom Megeath PROGRAM_SCICAT galactic/interstellar medium PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_BEG We will perform velocity-resolved spectroscopy of a jet and shocked knot associated with the Class O/I protostar HOPS 370 [OMC2-FIR4], a source for which NIRSpec and MIRI/MRS observations have previously been acquired with JWST. We will use the Lp3 and M1 modes of iSHELL to cover the 3.83 -- 4.18 um spectral region and the 4.52 -- 5.25 um spectral region [with gaps]. These observations will target key fine structure of lines of Fe+, four pure rotational lines of H2, the Br alpha H recombination line, and the CO v=1-0 vibrational band, all of which are known from the JWST data to probe the outflow from HOPS 370. The proposed observations will provide key information about the flow velocities that is missing from the low-spectral-resolution JWST data. We will thereby leverage existing JWST observations to obtain unique information about the physics of the outflow in this source. PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_END