# # Program information file # PROGRAM_ID 2024B020 PROGRAM_TITLE Inner disk dynamics from M-band CO variability PROGRAM_INV1 Andrea Banzatti PROGRAM_INV2 Benjamin Tofflemire PROGRAM_INV3 Jerome Bouvier PROGRAM_INV4 Adwin Boogert PROGRAM_INV5 PROGRAM_SCICAT extra-solar planets PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_BEG We propose to monitor the circumstellar disks of four pre-main-sequence stars over ~2 stellar rotation periods to measure the kinematic variability of M-band CO lines over timescales of days to weeks. CO variability of different types has been observed in the past in these targets on longer timescales. Simultaneous monitoring with U, V photometry will be performed to study the variable accretion and dynamics in the star-disk interaction region. Spectro-polarimetric monitoring has also been proposed for one target that previously showed the most comprehensive CO variability over months-years timescales. This synergic dataset will determine which part of the CO variability is linked to accretion and asymmetries in the inner star-disk interaction region, and which part to a variable low-velocity wind at larger disk radii. This program will significantly advance our understanding of molecular gas dynamics in planet-forming regions in connection to accretion, outflows, and inner disk evolution. PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_END