# # Program information file # PROGRAM_ID 2024B055 PROGRAM_TITLE Galactic Smokestacks: is the soot around R Coronae Borealis stars fed from their atmospheres? PROGRAM_INV1 Carl Melis PROGRAM_INV2 PROGRAM_INV3 PROGRAM_INV4 PROGRAM_INV5 PROGRAM_SCICAT stellar PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_BEG We seek to monitor with MIRSI a set of R Coronae Borealis [R CrB] stars to probe whether their mid-infrared variability is correlated with optical dimmings as would be expected if mass loss events [the likes of which supposedly produce optical dimming events] supply the circumstellar material. Investigating IRAS, AKARI, and WISE data reveals long-term fading trends and bursts that can show a factor of up to 10 change in flux density between epochs. While there does not appear to be any obvious correlation between these mid-infrared flux level changes and optical dust obscuration events, the available data set suffers dramatic gaps in temporal coverage and demands more regular monitoring to make conclusive statements. The proposed observations will provide an unprecedented view into the evolution of R CrB star circumstellar material and help elucidate its origin. PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_END