H outside
T outside
0.33 deg C
T dome top
2.86 deg C
H dome mid
T dome mid
1.42 deg C
T mezz
1.24 deg C
T floor
Data not found!
T mirror
T mirror cell
H mirror cell
3.67 deg C
Data not found!

Field Sensor(s) Description
H Outside HE1 The humidity outside the dome.
T Outside TE1 & TE2 The average temperature outside the dome.
T dome top TD1 & TD2 The average temperature at the top of the dome.
H dome mid HD1 & HD2 & HD3 The average humidity at the middle of the dome.
T dome mid TD3 & TD4 & TD5 The average temperature at the middle of the dome.
T mezz TD6 & TD7 The average mezz temperature of the dome.
T floor TF1 - TF8 The average temperature at the floor of the dome.
T mirror TM1 - TM6 The average temperature of the mirror.
T mirror cell TMS1 & TMS2 The average temperature of the mirror cell.
H mirror cell The relative humidity of the mirror cell.