Mirror Cooling Summary (Database=iqup Table=Data)

MC - 4 Hour Graph
tm dewpt tgo tao tg act fan heat
Last Updated: 2025-03-09 19:15:01

MC - 2 Day Graph
tm dewpt tgo tao tg act fan heat
Last Updated: 2025-03-09 19:15:03

mc.Status Mirror Cooling State or Mode: Off, Manual, Auto
Auto has 3 states: Auto_ON, auto_DEROST, Auto_OFF
mc.State.Tm Time spend in current mc.status or mode.
mc.SetPt MC Setpt is target temperature for the mirror
mc.auto.SetPt If ON, the mc.SetPt is set using data from MKWC
age is how old the auto set point value is.
mc.Defrost.Cnt Counter to indicated Number of Defrost cycles
Auto will switch into OFF state after too many defrost cycles.
mc.Warm.Air.Cnt Counter to indicated 'Air too warm' cycles
Auto will switch into OFF state after too many tries.
MC.TAO Mirror Cooling Temperature Air Out Deg C
MC.TG Mirror Cooling Temperature Glycol (In), Deg C
MC.TGO Mirror Cooling Temperature Glycol Out, Deg C
MC.Act Mirror Cooling Actuator Volts. 0v=close, 10v=open
MC.FAN Mirror Cooling Heater, OFF or ON
MC.HEAT Mirror Cooling Fan, OFF or ON
MC.Pressure.Err Mirror Cooling Pressure Differental sensor. ON for error.
HE1 IQUP HE1 humidity data
HD.avg IQUP Humidity Dome. Average of HD1 thur HD3.
HM.est Humidity in Mirror Cell. Caculated from DewPt
DewPt IQUP DewPt Sensor in Mirror Cell, Deg C.
TE1 IQUP Temperature Environment# 1, Deg C
TD.h IQUP Dome High Dome, average of (TD1, TD2). Deg C
TD.m IQUP Temperature Dome Mid, average of (TD3,TD4,TD5). Deg C
TD.l IQUP Temperature Dome Low, average of (TD6, TD7). Deg C
TMSavg IQUP Temperature Mirror Cell, average of (TMS1, TMS2). Deg C
TM.avg IQUP Temperature Mirror, average of (TM1 to TM6). Deg C
TF.avg IQUP Temperature Floor, average of (TF1 to TF4). Deg C