List of IQUP Sensor

List of IQUP Sensors

Results of querying the IQUP 'Sensor' table from IQUP databases.
Last Updated: Sun Mar 9 18:36:50 2025

SensorID SensorType SensorLocation SensorDesc SensorNotes
ASIVAZNE asiva asiva CFHT ASIVA 2AM-zenith NE prediction value NULL
ASIVAZSW asiva asiva CFHT ASIVA 2AM-zenith SW prediction value NULL
ASIVAZSE asiva asiva CFHT ASIVA 2AM-zenith SE prediction value NULL
ASIVAZNW asiva asiva CFHT ASIVA 2AM-zenith NW prediction value NULL
ASIVAHSW asiva asiva CFHT ASIVA 2AM-horizon SW prediction value NULL
ASIVAHSE asiva asiva CFHT ASIVA 2AM-horizon SE prediction value NULL
ASIVAHNW asiva asiva CFHT ASIVA 2AM-horizon NW prediction value NULL
ASIVAHNE asiva asiva CFHT ASIVA 2AM-horizon NE prediction value NULL
MC_HEAT binary mir cooling Mirror Cooling Heat On Off NULL
MC_PE binary mir cooling Mirror Cooling Pressure Error NULL
MC_FAN binary mir cooling Mirror Cooling Fan On Off NULL
DewPt2 dew external Dewpoint Temperature 2 (C) NULL
DewPt1 dew mirror cell Dewpoint Temperature 1 (C) NULL
DewPt3 dew external Dewpoint Temperature 3 (C) iSD-TH tcs3 sensor
WDIR2 dir external Wind Direction 2 (degrees) NULL
WDIR1 dir external Wind Direction 1 (degrees) NULL
Flow2 flow hvac Flow Meter 2 NULL
Flow4 flow hvac Flow Meter 4 NULL
Flow1 flow hvac Flow Meter 1 NULL
Flow3 flow hvac Flow Meter 3 NULL
HE3 hum external External Humidity 3 iSD-TH tcs3 sensor
HE2 hum external External Humidity 2
HE1 hum external External Humidity 1 NULL
HD3 hum dome Dome Humidity 3 NULL
HD2 hum dome Dome Humidity 2 NULL
HD1 hum dome Dome Humidity 1 NULL
HawWV image noaa NOAA GOES water vapour NULL
HawIR image noaa NOAA GOES 4km infrared NULL
LoadcellS loadcell mirror Loadcell South NULL
LoadcellNW loadcell mirror Loadcell North West NULL
LoadcellNE loadcell mirror Loadcell North East NULL
BP1 pressure mirror Barometric pressure mirror cell (millibar) NULL
MASSSeeing seeing external CFHT MASS seeing (arcsec) NULL
DIMMSeeing seeing external CFHT DIMM Seeing (arcsec) NULL
SetPt1 setpoint defrost Defrost Setpoint (C) NULL
WMSPD1 speed external Wind Median Speed 1 (m/s) NULL
WMSPD2 speed external Wind Median Speed 2 (m/s) NULL
WSPD1 speed external Wind Speed 1 (m/s) NULL
WSPD2 speed external Wind Speed 2 (m/s) NULL
TAU225CALC tau cso CSO Tau 350 micron / 24.75 NULL
TAU350UM tau cso CSO Tau 350 micron NULL
TAUPLOT tau cso CSO daily tau plot NULL
TAU225GHZ tau cso SMA Tau 225 GHz NULL
RA telepos telescope Right Ascension NULL
MirSupVolt telepos mirror Mirror Support Voltage NULL
MirSupport telepos mirror Mirror Support NULL
MirSpFault telepos mirror Mirror Support Fault NULL
MirPos5 telepos mirror Mirror Position South Surface 5 NULL
Dec telepos telescope Declination NULL
Focus telepos telescope Focus NULL
HA telepos telescope Hour Angle NULL
Airmass telepos telescope Airmass NULL
SlewMode telepos telescope Slew Mode NULL
MirCovers telepos mirror Mirror Covers NULL
MirPos4 telepos mirror Mirror Position North Surface 4 NULL
MirPos3 telepos mirror Mirror Position North Edge 3 NULL
MirPos2 telepos mirror Mirror Position West Edge 2 NULL
MirPos1 telepos mirror Mirror Position West Surface 1 NULL
TMR5 temp hvac HVAC Temperature 5 (C) NULL
TMR4 temp hvac HVAC Temperature 4 (C) NULL
TMR3 temp hvac HVAC Temperature 3 (C) NULL
TMR2 temp hvac HVAC Temperature 2 (C) NULL
TMR1 temp hvac HVAC Temperature 1 (C) NULL
TM6 temp mirror Mirror Temperature 6 (C) NULL
TM3 temp mirror Mirror Temperature 3 (C) NULL
TM5 temp mirror Mirror Temperature 5 (C) NULL
TM4 temp mirror Mirror Temperature 4 (C) NULL
TMS1 temp mirror cell Mirror Cell Temperature 1 (C) NULL
TMS2 temp mirror cell Mirror Cell Temperature 2 (C) NULL
TM2 temp mirror Mirror Temperature 2 (C) NULL
TT8 temp truss Truss Temperature 8 (C) NULL
TT7 temp truss Truss Temperature 7 (C) NULL
TT5 temp truss Truss Temperature 5 (C) NULL
TT4 temp truss Truss Temperature 4 (C) NULL
TT3 temp truss Truss Temperature 3 (C) NULL
TT2 temp truss Truss Temperature 2 (C) NULL
TT1 temp truss Truss Temperature 1 (C) NULL
TMS3 temp mirror cell Mirror Cell Temperature 3 (C) NULL
TT6 temp truss Truss Temperature 6 (C) NULL
TM1 temp mirror Mirror Temperature 1 (C) NULL
TD7 temp dome Dome Temperature 7 (C) NULL
TD6 temp dome Dome Temperature 6 (C) NULL
TD5 temp dome Dome Temperature 5 (C) NULL
TD4 temp dome Dome Temperature 4 (C) NULL
TD3 temp dome Dome Temperature 3 (C) NULL
TD2 temp dome Dome Temperature 2 (C) NULL
TD1 temp dome Dome Temperature 1 (C) NULL
MC_TG temp mir cooling Mirror Cooling Glycol Temperature (C) NULL
MC_TGO temp mir cooling Mirror Cooling Glycol Temperature Out (C) NULL
MC_TAO temp mir cooling Mirror Cooling Air Temperature Out (C) NULL
MC_TAI temp mir cooling Mirror Cooling Air Temperature In (C) NULL
TDef1 temp defrost Defrost Temperature 1 (C) NULL
TE1 temp external External Temperature 1 (C) NULL
TF8 temp floor Floor Temperature 8 (C) NULL
TF7 temp floor Floor Temperature 7 (C) NULL
TF6 temp floor Floor Temperature 6 (C) NULL
TF5 temp floor Floor Temperature 5 (C) NULL
TF4 temp floor Floor Temperature 4 (C) NULL
TF3 temp floor Floor Temperature 3 (C) NULL
TF2 temp floor Floor Temperature 2 (C) NULL
TF1 temp floor Floor Temperature 1 (C) NULL
TE4 temp external External Temperature 4 (C) iSD-TH tcs3 sensor
TE3 temp external External Temperature 3 (C)
TE2 temp external External Temperature 2 (C) NULL
MC_ACT voltage mir cooling Mirror Cooling Actuator Voltage NULL