On May 7, 2018, TD setup the MOC's Andor iXon Ultra (SN X-10744) in the lab. 1. Use SOLIS to take the 1st image. accumlate Mode, 3.55 sec, 1 coadd, Frame Transfer, Conv A/D, 8KHz, -30Temp, shutter closed.: 180507_Solis_0002.fits Set 3MHz A/D, 1.0 sec itime: 180507_Solis_0003.fits Here is a DV screen shot with SOLIS image 0002 (top), and 0003(bottom).2. IC/XUI/DV - ran the MOC IC/XUI/DV 1.0 sec, 1MHz A/D (MOC default), -30, shutter closed: moc.2018A999.180508.ultra.00001.a.fits 1.0 sec, 3MHz A/D, -30, shutter closed: moc.2018A999.180508.ultra.00003.b.fits Here is a DV screen shot with MOC image 0001 (top), and 0003(bottom).