
Note to cabling for the Digi port

Digi to Smart Motor

A RJ-45 to DB9 convert is need for the smart motor.
A 3 wire cable (Tx,Rx,SGnd) is used.

       8-pin   DB9
       plug   Male
       ----   ----
  TxD    4 --- 3
  RxD    5 --- 2
 S.Gnd   6 --- 5

The Resulting DB9 is a DTE interface , similiar to a PC serial port.
The smart motor uses a DBLSM1-3M cable that provide a female DB9 connector (DTE) interface.

Connecting a smart motor to a PC requires a straight thourgh cable.

Digi to LakeShore 218 

The Lakeshore 218 has a DB9 Male (DTE) interface.
Since a PC has a DTE interface, DB9 Female-to-Female cross cable is needed for PC to TC208.

The Digi-to-TC218 RJ45 to DB9-F "null modem" cable is:

       8-pin   DB9
       plug   Female
       ----   ----
  TxD    4 --- 2
  RxD    5 --- 3
 S.Gnd   6 --- 5