Curious about PC vs IARE timestamp in spex, and ishell.
PC_TIME = ic timestamp before send a message to the iarc system to begin at GO.
IARC_TIME = DSP toggle a PC parallel port interrupt to timestamp a readout.
Parallel port timestamp should be good to about 50 usec, with occcasional 300 usec lags.
Looked at 2019B data from the Legacy archive. Make a list of FITS files, with their PC, and IARC timestamps.
bigdog.txt - 30613 lines, but 5474 file with no IARC timestamp.
bigdog2.txt data with the 25139 line with PC and IARC timestamp.
Output of ' -f bigdog2.txt':
size=25138 min=771.0 max=1105.8 mean=774.4 std=2.163
Graphed n= 25130
< Range n= 0 : values= []
> Range n= 8 : values= [ 812.262 785.479 1105.786 780.019 842.689 786.374 786.8
No data. IARC Timestampe not implemented.
cartman.txt w/ 17457 line with PC and IARC timestamps.
Output of ' -f cartman.txt':
size=17457 min=772.6 max=1959.7 mean=776.2 std=17.041
Graphed n= 17315
< Range n= 0 : values= []
> Range n= 142 : values= [ 811.599 823.484 1027.242 811.781 924.432 1179.506 817.698 815.906
917.195 972.876 867.061 855.717 873.556 905.722 823.667 870.887 815.382 811.721 833.067 870.313 1010.581 828.638 824.791 823.889
955.89 823.565 813.508 853.726 876.629 831.792 926.837 811.183 927.94 881.663 823.046 824.705 823.349 824.37 823.408 812.322
824.691 823.944 824.339 824.038 823.76 1420.018 1129.413 1037.748 829.657 901.585 851.105 866.286 869.317 839.134 1251.259 951.421
871.013 878.116 1159.344 824.428 812.504 881.046 924.821 824.673 889.225 823.944 822.291 824.277 846.29 1191.226 929.71 842.615
1273.781 828.452 823.896 823.38 823.649 824.079 1732.948 887.184 994.111 859.845 902.278 826.728 825.822 848.474 1007.42 915.827
824.135 830.399 822.654 859.54 964.347 888.42 830.09 846.237 820.784 872.533 885.358 883.851 867.162 828.055 820.908 827.504
1041.607 824.541 873.701 848.776 829.221 830.022 827.667 826.383 943.797 824.459 824.066 823.114 824.007 822.342 1959.742 813.864
874.732 838.739 825.373 873.99 824.036 817.1 824.097 878.008 812.397 848.503 823.468 874.478 823.945 812.343 824.426 823.21
825.152 823.954 839.096 824.159 922.665 824.414]
kyle.txt w/ 14224 lines, but 13291 lines with no IARC timestamp.
kyle2.txt - 933 lines with PC and IARC timestamp.
Output of ' -f kyle2.txt':
size=933 min=5.3 max=7.2 mean=6.0 std=0.142
Graphed n= 924
< Range n= 0 : values= []
> Range n= 9 : values= [7.038 7.19 7.02 7.229 7.191 7.048 7.113 7.215 7.001]
commands to extract data:
./ --dir /idals/2019B/data/bigdog > bigdog.txt
grep -v ' 1970-01-01 00' bigdog.txt > bigdog2.txt
./ --dir /idals/2019B/data/cartman > cartman.txt
./ --dir /idals/2019B/data/kyle > kyle.txt
grep -v '0.000000' kyle.txt > kyle2.txt
program used: - python program to extract spex data. - modidy program to extract ishell data (slighty differ FIT headers vs spex). - python program to statistics and graphs.