Note on setting up VNC server for ldog account on Rockylinux 8 PC I setup a VNC at boot time using the local /home2/irtf account on RL8 ldog computer. (didn't want to disturbute the NIS ldog account with VNC stuff). To run the ldog software, will connect to this VNC, then 'su - ldog', etc. Start the vncserver from command line (soon depreciated) In the user account: .vnc/passwd # created by stefan in monthly passwd change .vnc/xstartup # startup script for /bin/vncserver. Tested to make sure this worked: - /bin/vncserver # start vncserver - turn off power saving, and screen saver. VNC via systemd In user account: .vnc/passwd # created by stefan in monthly passwd change .vnc/config # tiger vnc config, ie: geometry, rfbport .vnc/xstartup # script to start desktop (not needed by systemd, but here for /bin/vncserver. # assign a session ID to the user vi /etc/tigervnc/vncserver.users :1=ldog # to start and enable the service systemctl enable vncserver@:1.service --now # to verify the service is started: systemctl status vncserver@:1.service # to restart the service systemctl restart vncserver@:1.service To start the ldog software 1. connect to vnc: vnc ldogh:16000 # used the project password 2. open xterm: Click on Activities (upper right) Chick on Show Application on dock (botton 3x3 dots). Click on XTerm 3. Run the ldog software in the xterm: su - ldog cd current/ldog ldog_ic