
Spex uses 2 SM34205D smart motors.
In 2024-05 a spex smart motor was replace by a spare. A new spare was purchased.
These notes are on setting up the new spare. In order to use the smart motor on spex, a 
program must be loaded into the animatics motor. This program is located  at

Original motor were:  SM34205d, Firmware:
New spare label says: SM34205d, FW Version

Only the motor was purchased. Used a old power supply (hilo lab), and cable (summit) from spex.
I had my own usb-to-serial adapter.
Downloaded SMI_3_0_0_81.msi from (saved in vendors_info/animatics/) Installed on PC.

Test Motor using SMI terminal
Once plugged in and power up, I was able to test communication using the SMI Terminal window on COM3:

  Report the motor position:
	  RPA       698

  Report the assigned current:
	  RAMPS     1023

  RSP - report sampiling rate and firware version
    "12500/" for spex's 34205D, so 0.000125 or 8000Hz

Commands I used to move the motor:

 ZS                         ' clear all errors 
 O=0                        ' set origin
 AMPS=200 VT=5000  ADT=100  ' set current limit, Velocity, and acceleration

 Set absolute Target position, and Go:
 PT=8000 G          ' should move about 1 revolution
 PT=0 G             ' returns to start 

 OFF                ' turns off the servo.

Program the motor for spex

/home/s2/src/spex/ldog/sm_wheel_home.sms is the program file for the smartmotor.
Copy the program to your PC.
Using the SMI program, File->Open to open the .sms file. 
Using the toolbar, select the download icon to download the program.

After, I check things by power off/on the motor. Then used the "upload" icon to see the program loaded in the motor.

Reference: "Transmitting the Program to a SmartMotor" in the UsersGuide (vendor's directory).
Also some picture in the ./2411-photos/  directory.