Staff Shutdown Procedures
This procedure should be performed by the IRTF staff.
1. To stop the IC execute, (3 ways).
a. From the guidedog/bigdog console:
Type CNTL-C in the xterm running IC in the bigdog/guidedog
console. (However, the cybex sometimes prevents this).
b. From the XUI.
Type 'die' in the command prompt.
c. Login and stop the IC from an telnet/xterm:
Login to bigdog/guidedog and do this:
% cd current/ic
% bigdogio (or guidedogio)
% bigdogdog> die (type the 'die' command)
d. If these fail, goto #2 (reboot the SPARC computer).
2. To shutdown/reboot any Solaris computer (Bigdog & GuideDog)
1. login as root.
2. type 'init 6' to reboot.
The system should automatically halt and boot itself.
3. type 'init 5' to halt.
When you see the OK prompt, you can halt the system.
3. To shutdonw/reboot Littledog
1. Before shutting down/rebooting turn off motor power on littledog MIM Box.
2. login in as root.
Type 'halt' to halt the OS to power down.
Type 'reboot' to halt/reboot.