Staff Power Up and Startup for IC

This procedure should be performed ONLY by the IRTF staff.

1. Remote Power Control Unit:

   The MIM hardware is controlled the the rpc3 unit 'power4'.
   To start rpc3 program: exec rpc3 power4.

   These items should be normally be powered on at all times:
     littledog - littledog PC & Motor electornics.
     TC_Gdog   - GuideDog Temperature controller.
     TC_Bigdog - BigDog Temperature controller.
     Temp_mon  - Spex temperature montior.

    The Array power is normally off, until after the IC are started.

2. Starting the IC 

    1. Login to the the Bigdog console as the user: bigdog.
       In the xterm,
           % startic

    2. Login to the the GuideDog console as the user: guidedog.
       In the xterm.
           % startic

    Note: startic is just a script that does the following:
       % cd current/ic
       % bigdogic          (or guidedogic)

3. Quitting the IC.

    Turn off the Array Power.

    In the Bigdog  IC xterm, hit Cntl-C to kill the IC.
    In the GuideDog IC xterm, hit Cntl-C to kill the IC.

    This may not work because of the video/keyboard switch.
    You can also type "die" in the XUI command prompt, to
    stop the ic.