Running the old TCSD.V0
The current deamon is tcsd.v2. The older deamon (v0) is still
required during pointing runs, because .v2 has problem with
downloading the pointing coefficients to the TCS.
1. login into stefan and become root
% ssh stefan
% su root
2. kill the current tcsd:
# ps -ef | grep tcsd <= get PID of tcsd
# kill -9 PID <= kill the tcsd
3. Start the old deamon
% /usr/local/tcsd.v0/tcsd &
Note: you may get a ' Address already in use' error if there are open
socket related to the tcsd port. Just wait until any old sockets are cleared.
You can see if any are lingering sockets using this command:
# netstat -l | grep 30010
stefan.30010 bigdog.64146 8760 0 24820 0 TIME_WAIT
stefan.30010 guidedog.52165 8760 0 24820 0 TIME_WAIT
4. To return to the tcsd.v2:
4.1 kill the tcsd (similar to step 2)
4.2 start the old deamon:
# /etc/init.d/tcsd start