The gnuplot commands to produce distribution maps This distribution map show the number of start per square degree. The distribution map are produced using the cat_show utility with the -s option. This will procedu a 'map.txt' file. Rename this file for each catalog, for example: /home/tcs3/src/tcs3/clients/starcat4/utility/cat_show -s /starcatalogs4/hr.catalog.inx mv -f mag.txt hr_mag.txt mv -f map.txt hr_map.txt /home/tcs3/src/tcs3/clients/starcat4/utility/cat_show -s /starcatalogs4/fk5.catalog.inx mv -f mag.txt fk5_mag.txt mv -f map.txt fk5_map.txt /home/tcs3/src/tcs3/clients/starcat4/utility/cat_show -s /starcatalogs4/hd.catalog.inx mv -f mag.txt hd_mag.txt mv -f map.txt hd_map.txt /home/tcs3/src/tcs3/clients/starcat4/utility/cat_show -s /starcatalogs4/sao.catalog.inx mv -f mag.txt sao_mag.txt mv -f map.txt sao_map.txt /home/tcs3/src/tcs3/clients/starcat4/utility/cat_show -s /starcatalogs4/hip.catalog.inx mv -f mag.txt hip_mag.txt mv -f map.txt hip_map.txt /home/tcs3/src/tcs3/clients/starcat4/utility/cat_show -s /starcatalogs4/ppm.catalog.inx mv -f mag.txt ppm_mag.txt mv -f map.txt ppm_map.txt /home/tcs3/src/tcs3/clients/starcat4/utility/cat_show -s /starcatalogs4/fs.catalog.inx mv -f mag.txt fs_mag.txt mv -f map.txt fs_map.txt /home/tcs3/src/tcs3/clients/starcat4/utility/cat_show -s /starcatalogs4/sa.catalog.inx mv -f mag.txt sa_mag.txt mv -f map.txt sa_map.txt /home/tcs3/src/tcs3/clients/starcat4/utility/cat_show -s /starcatalogs4/gsc.catalog.inx mv -f mag.txt gsc_mag.txt mv -f map.txt gsc_map.txt /home/tcs3/src/tcs3/clients/starcat4/utility/cat_show -s /starcatalogs4/2mass.catalog.inx mv -f mag.txt 2mass_mag.txt mv -f map.txt 2mass_map.txt Once all the _map.txt files are made, run these gnuplot command to produced the .png. > gnuplot reset set border linewidth 0 #unset key #unset colorbox #unset tics set lmargin screen 0.1 set rmargin screen 0.8 set tmargin screen 0.9 set bmargin screen 0.1 #set palette grey set palette defined ( 0.0 "black", 0.1 "blue", 0.5 "green", 2 "yellow", 6 "red", 10 "white" ) set xlabel 'RA' set ylabel 'Dec' set pm3d map #splot 'map.txt' u 1:2:3 matrix set terminal png size 640,480 set output "hr_map.png" set title "hr distribution map" splot 'hr_map.txt' u ($1/15):(($2/2)-90):3 matrix set output "fk5_map.png" set title "fk5 distribution map" splot 'fk5_map.txt' u ($1/15):(($2/2)-90):3 matrix set output "hd_map.png" set title "hd distribution map" splot 'hd_map.txt' u ($1/15):(($2/2)-90):3 matrix set output "sao_map.png" set title "sao distribution map" splot 'sao_map.txt' u ($1/15):(($2/2)-90):3 matrix set output "hip_map.png" set title "hip distribution map" splot 'hip_map.txt' u ($1/15):(($2/2)-90):3 matrix set output "ppm_map.png" set title "ppm distribution map" splot 'ppm_map.txt' u ($1/15):(($2/2)-90):3 matrix set output "gsc_map.png" set title "GSC distribution map" splot 'gsc_map.txt' u ($1/15):(($2/2)-90):3 matrix # very low distrbution, stretch the map set palette defined ( 0.00 "black", 0.01 "blue", 0.05 "green", 0.1 "yellow", 0.5 "red", 10 "white" ) set output "fs_map.png" set title "FS distribution map" splot 'fs_map.txt' u ($1/15):(($2/2)-90):3 matrix set output "sa_map.png" set title "SA distribution map" splot 'sa_map.txt' u ($1/15):(($2/2)-90):3 matrix # 2mass has high distribution around the galatic center, strech the map set palette defined ( 0.00 "black", 0.01 "blue", 0.05 "green", 0.5 "yellow", 1.0 "red", 10 "white" ) set output "2mass_map.png" set title "2MASS distribution map" splot '2mass_map.txt' u ($1/15):(($2/2)-90):3 matrix The gnuplot commands to produce magnitude histograms The magnitude data is produced using the cat_show utility with the -s option. The data is display to stdout. I cut/pasted this into each _mag.txt file. Here are the gnuplot commands to produced the .png. reset set xlabel 'Num Objects' set ylabel 'Magnitude' set lmargin screen 0.2 set format y "%.0f" set style fill solid 0.5 border set terminal png size 400,400 set output "hr_mag.png" set title "hr Magnitude Map" plot "hr_mag.txt" using 1:2 with boxes set output "fk5_mag.png" set title "fk5 Magnitude Map" plot "fk5_mag.txt" using 1:2 with boxes set output "hd_mag.png" set title "hd Magnitude Map" plot "hd_mag.txt" using 1:2 with boxes set output "sao_mag.png" set title "sao Magnitude Map" plot "sao_mag.txt" using 1:2 with boxes set output "hip_mag.png" set title "hip Magnitude Map" plot "hip_mag.txt" using 1:2 with boxes set output "ppm_mag.png" set title "ppm Magnitude Map" plot "ppm_mag.txt" using 1:2 with boxes set output "fs_mag.png" set title "fs Magnitude Map" plot "fs_mag.txt" using 1:2 with boxes set output "sa_mag.png" set title "sa Magnitude Map" plot "sa_mag.txt" using 1:2 with boxes set output "gsc_mag.png" set title "gsc Magnitude Map" plot "gsc_mag.txt" using 1:2 with boxes set output "2mass_mag.png" set title "2mass Magnitude Map" plot "2mass_mag.txt" using 1:2 with boxes