Note on setting up the TS-Linux ver 3.04 for the embeddedx86 CPU. Last Revisition: 2004/07 1. Attached serial port to com1 on linux PC. Configure minicom on linux host: Serial setting: /dev/ttys0 9600 8N1 This connects you to the embbeddedPC's console. 2. boot included linux CF and configure it as tx1 a. get IP /hosts setup /etc/sysconfig/ifcfg-eth0 /etc/sysconfig/network_cfg /etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf b. account c. 3. configure a linux compact flash boot disk from scratch a. Download compact flash files. Site: Also located locally: /home/tcs3/public_html/systems/tcs3/vendor_info/Technologic_systems/embeddex86/0312_downloads/ 1) Blank compact flash image 2) Base file system. OS-3.04.tar.gz 3) Precompiled Kernel and modules. kernel.TS-5500.030515.tar.bz2 b. Download blank compact flash image to the compact flash card. dd of=/dev/sda c. Mount compact flash second partition. mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/cf2 d. Put OS on second partition. tar -C /mnt/cf2 -xvzf OS-3.04.tar.gz e. Put Kernel onto compact flash. 1) Extract kernel files. tar -xvjf kernel.TS-5500.030515.tar.bz2 2) Mount first partition. mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/cf1 3) Copy bzImage to the first partition. File must be named "bzImage". cp bzImage.5500 /mnt/cf1/bzImage 4) Extract extras file over to second partition. tar -C /mnt/cf2 -xvvzf extras.5500.tar.gz 5) Cleanup: unmount compact flash partitions. umount /dev/sda1 umount /dev/sda2 4. setup for TCS3 development a. Change root password. passwd b. add tcs3 account. 1) Edit passwd file. 2) Change tcs3 password. passwd tcs3 3) Add home directory mkdir tcs3 in /home chown tcs3 tcs3 c. mount duke 1) Change fstab. Add this line: duke:/aux2 /duke nfs soft,nolock 0 0 Note: the nolock parameter seems to be necessary 2) Edit /etc/hosts Add line: duke 3) Create mounting point mkdir /duke 4) mount duke d. Disable httpd. mv /etc/init.d/Apache.script /etc/init.d/Apache.script.removed e. Remove guest account from passwd. f. Setup proftpd 1) Edit proftpd.conf From: DenyAll To: AllowAll g. ntp ntpclient home page: Located locally in: /home/tcs3/src/tcs3/embeddedx86/ntp Copied ntpclient to /usr/local/sbin Created /etc/rc.d/rc.local file to run at boot time. h. portmap For rpc need to run portmap (only run as port of nfs server). Put '/sbin/portmap' in rc.local i. Make Disk Read-Only To make the disk read-only follow these few steps, also you can refer to pg. 10 in the Technologic Systems manaul. 1. Remove etc/mtab, and make a symbolic link to /proc/mounts rm etc/mtab ln -s /proc/mounts etc/mtab 2. Edit etc/rc.d/rcS.sysint file to remount/ (root) partition read-write Change: mount -n -o remount, rw / And uncomment to: #mount -n -o remount, rw / 3. Add these ramdisk partitions to etc/fstab tmp_log /var/log tmpfs size=512K 0 0 tmp_var /var/run tmpfs size=100K 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------