The working name for this request is BalanceTool

Sotware related to the balancing procedure was requested by daycrew.
Denault was not in favor of accepting new requirments for TCS3.
Koenig pushed for it, so Tokunaga asked for an estimate in Apr 2009.

04/06/2009 - koenig provides a  draft balancing procedure Balance_Procedures-draft1.doc

04/07/2009 - tokunaga email with questions: 090406-tokunaga-email.txt

04/09/2009 - koenig,pung shows denault how to balance. Denault produced
       a re-write to the balancing procedures:
       Denault recommeneds the velocity used for balancing be reduced from 1800 as/s to 400 as/s.

04/17/2009 - Denault provides an Requrements and Estimates.