IRTF Feedback Form

Please take a few moments to answer the following questions about your IRTF observing run. Your feedback is the most valuable information we have on the service the IRTF is providing to its community.

This Feedback Form is sent ONLY to John Rayner, the IRTF Director, who will review its content and remove sensitive material before distributing to appropriate members of the IRTF staff. Confidential comments may also be provided directly to John Rayner by telephone at (808) 956-9846 or by email at

If you have an interesting result, please consider making it available as a science highlight for NASA Headquarters and contact John Rayner to do this. Published results should acknowledge the IRTF and the instrument used. See our acknowledgement page for more information.

Please enter the following case-sensitive characters:
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Security Image

Your Name:
E-mail Address
(to receive copy):
Program Information
(choose one)
Current Semester (2025A):

9XX Programs and/or
Previous Semesters:
Program Number PI Name
Observing Dates:
Start Date End Date

Support Astronomer:
Boogert Connelley Rayner
Telescope Operator:
CMatulonis Engh Griep McOuat Nunez TMatulonis
Please select the instrument(s) you used during this run:

Did you use remote or onsite observing? Remote Onsite (observed from the summit)
Please rate your overall experience with the telescope and instrument(s) during this run:
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Please comment on instrumentation, telescope, and other technical areas.

Please rate the support you received from our staff during this run:
Support Staff Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor N/A
Telescope Operators Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor N/A
Daycrew Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor N/A
Please comment on the support you received from the telescope operators, staff astronomers, and other IRTF personnel.

(please describe general results and comment on whether your expectations for data were met.)

(Please describe what you liked during your run and also where we can improve.)