# Program information file
PROGRAM_TITLE Mid-Infrared Measurements of Planetary-Scale Processes in Jupiter During Juno Perijoves 58-60, 63
PROGRAM_INV1 Glenn Orton
PROGRAM_INV2 Joseph Hora
PROGRAM_INV3 James Sinclair
PROGRAM_INV5 Shawn Brueshaber
PROGRAM_SCICAT major planets / satellites
We propose to determine the structure and composition of Jupiter's atmosphere over a broad vertical range using contemporaneous observations by the Juno mission and MIRSI. We request time near the close approaches, 'perijoves', [PJs] for PJ58-60 and PJ63 this semester. The MIRSI images will cover a spectral range missing from Juno's instrument complement, providing valuable boundary conditions on temperature and composition in the upper troposphere and stratosphere not sensed by Juno's own instruments. By observing contemporaneously with Juno, [A] we will extend the depth of our observations by coordinating with results from Juno's Microwave Radiometer [MWR] instrument, involving an unprecedented vertical range, and [B] we will compare them with high-vertical-resolution temperature profiles derived from radio-occultation experiments. The latter can serve as a measure of ground-truth for the MIRSI-based temperature retrievals, and our global imaging can be used to extrapolate conditions from the limited points covered by the occultations. A major goal of this program is to measure the conditions involved in planetary-scale transitions and to compare them with dynamical models. One of the regions of interest is a typically dark, thermally warm region just north of the equator, the North Equatorial Belt [NEB], part which is 'reviving' from a rare cloudy state to its more typical clear state at a rate much slower than for other regions, such as the South Equatorial Belt [SEB], that involve rapid large-scale convection. The combination of MIRSI and Juno Microwave Radiometer [MWR] measurements are capable of testing whether such changes are due to the release of convective available potential energy [CAPE] involving latent heating by water condensation. Ancillary objectives include tracking similar transitions in other regions, measuring conditions in the increasingly shrinking and perturbed Great Red Spot, and, in general, contributing uniquely to a broad network of Juno-supporting Earth-based observations.