IRTF Data Archive Program Information

# # Program information file # PROGRAM_ID 2024A982 PROGRAM_TITLE MIR Measurements of the Moon PROGRAM_INV1 Kerri Donaldson-Hanna PROGRAM_INV2 PROGRAM_INV3 PROGRAM_INV4 PROGRAM_INV5 PROGRAM_SCICAT solar system PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_BEG We propose to collect MIR spectra of selected areas on the Moon with MIRSI to spectrally characterize those regions at high spectral and higher spatial resolution. Prior observations of the Moon have already been successfully made with MIRSI, and demonstrated the potential for characterizing surface compositions. The wavelength range [8-14 microns], high signal to noise ratio [larger than 200], and high spectral resolution [R = 200 at 10 microns] of MIRSI observations will enable us to better understand the formation and evolution of the Moon's crust. This data from this DDT proposal will also be used to determine the performance of the spectroscopic mode of MIRSI, which is not formally commissioned yet in semester 2024A. PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_END