# Program information file
PROGRAM_TITLE Search for 3-micron Features on Newly Discovered Near-Earth Objects
PROGRAM_INV1 Lauren McGraw
PROGRAM_INV2 Cristina Thomas
PROGRAM_INV4 Andy Rivkin
PROGRAM_SCICAT near-Earth objects
Our goal is to collect near-infrared LXD data with the SpeX instrument at IRTF for a target of opportunity [ToO], newly discovered near-Earth object [NEO] in order to identify whether NEOs exhibit a 3-um OH/H2O absorption feature. The mechanisms by which OH/H2O is delivered are also active in near-Earth space, but it remains unclear how effective they are on asteroids themselves and what factors control and/or influence them. Newly discovered NEOs are typically brightest during this initial close approach and may not be bright enough again for hydration
characterization for decades. We therefore propose to use the SpeX instrument to obtain LXD short observations of all newly discovered NEOs of sufficient brightness [V <= 13.5]. These LXD observations could represent a sizeable increase in the population of NEOs with such spectral data as fewer than 40 3-um spectra of NEAs currently exist, including those from spacecraft missions. The 3-um feature generally has a band depth of a few percent on nominally anhydrous bodies to tens of percent on bodies with native phyllosilicates. We therefore require S/N ~ 50 over the wavelength range 2 - 4 um to ensure detection of the shallowest expected bands. SpeX in LXD mode can achieve this requirement for asteroids with V <= 13.5 [after binning] with total telescope time of ~3 hrs. On average, one or two NEOs of sufficient brightness are suitable targets of opportunity each semester. We request 3 hours [i.e., one interrupt] of ToO time to observe one newly discovered NEO.