IRTF Data Archive Program Information

# # Program information file # PROGRAM_ID 2024B097 PROGRAM_TITLE Tail of Two K dwarf TESS planets: Both potential targets for JWST PROGRAM_INV1 Claire Geneser PROGRAM_INV2 Angelle Tanner PROGRAM_INV3 PROGRAM_INV4 PROGRAM_INV5 PROGRAM_SCICAT extra-solar planets PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_BEG In recent years, cutting-edge instruments and observing strategies paired with innovative data analysis has enabled the discovery of close-in planets around young stars through extreme precision radial velocity measurements [EPRVs]. This endeavor has been highlighted with the discovery of two planets around the nearby young star, AU Mic, which is home to an edge-on disk. Now that we can confidently verify sub-Neptune mass planets around TESS TOI systems with active host stars, we can begin to expand the census of such planets into the low-mass and young star regime. This observing program seeks to obtain EPRV measurements of the young and active stars, TOI-2443 [GJ 105.5] and TOI-139. The candidate planets are warm, sub-Neptunes orbiting mid-K dwarfs stars with moderate levels of activity based on archival spectra. Estimates of the transmission spectroscopy metric [TSM] for these planet makes them excellent candidates for observations with JWST to characterize the atmospheric composition of the day/night terminator region of their atmosphere. PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_END