IRTF Data Archive Program Information

# # Program information file # PROGRAM_ID 2024B048 PROGRAM_TITLE Are Jupiter's Hot Spots Depleted in Volatiles? PROGRAM_INV1 Gordon Bjoraker PROGRAM_INV2 Michael H. Wong PROGRAM_INV3 Thomas Greathouse PROGRAM_INV4 Rohini Giles PROGRAM_INV5 Glenn Orton PROGRAM_SCICAT major planets / satellites PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_BEG We propose to address two science questions in this proposal: 1] do Hot Spots in Jupiter's North Equatorial Belt [NEB] differ in temperature and gas composition from adjacent regions; and 2] what is the gas composition and cloud structure along the ground-track of the Juno microwave radiometer [MWR] during Perijove [PJ] 69 in Semester 2024B. We propose to use the Texas Echelon Cross Echelle Spectrograph [TEXES] on the IRTF to perform spectral maps to measure temperature, aerosols, ammonia, and water within and adjacent to Jupiter's NEB Hot Spots. We would use three spectral settings at 10 um to characterize temperature, NH3, and aerosols at the 0.5-bar level. Two additional settings at 5 um would be sensitive to H2O, NH3, and water cloud opacity at the 6-bar level. These observations will help to confirm or refute the local meteorology model of Hot Spots and place the Galileo Probe results into context. TEXES measurements of temperature, NH3 and H2O will also help break the degeneracy in the Juno MWR data providing a more accurate O/H ratio than is possible using Juno data alone. PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_END