IRTF Data Archive Program Information

# # Program information file # PROGRAM_ID 2024B025 PROGRAM_TITLE Spectroscopic follow-up of new young eruptive star candidates found with ZTF PROGRAM_INV1 Michal Siwak PROGRAM_INV2 Agnes Kospal PROGRAM_INV3 Fernando Cruz-Saenz de Miera PROGRAM_INV4 Peter Abraham PROGRAM_INV5 Zsofia Nagy PROGRAM_SCICAT stellar PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_BEG Young eruptive stars are young stellar objects experiencing large photometric outbursts due to highly enhanced accretion from the circumstellar disk onto the star. These episodic outbursts can have significant implications for the evolution of the protostars, their circumstellar disks, including the forming planets, and their surroundings. There are <50 objects known among their two main classes: EXors and FUors. The Zwicky transient factory has provided unprecedented capabilities to search for these objects via its ZTF Alert Stream. Here we propose to use IRTF/SpeX to obtain the first infrared spectra of nine selected ZTF alerts that our preliminary analysis identified as candidate eruptive young stars. Our main goal is to confirm if our targets are eruptive young stars, determine which class they belong to, and study their accretion as well as stellar and disk properties. PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_END